Well 0gb.us sent me the compressor so soon we will have a full version up for download
However we have a pros and cons list of this update.


  1. We will have a full version.
  2. The textures will be different than default textures adding a variety to the game.
  3. The tools will be fixed to only dig their specified node types.
  4. The shockenite chest will hold almost double your inventory.


  1. We will lack the attributer.
  2. The compressor will not preform as was hoped.
  3. Some of the textures may not work.
  4. The shockenite chest will work but not up to expectations.

By the way 0gb.us is not feeling well so let's hope he gets better soon.
Until next time,
So production is at a stand still until 0gb.us can finish the compressor but a download is up for grabs if you want you should probably know it lacks a lot of features including
*Most of the tools
*The Compressor
*A lot of textures
You can find this version in the Updates section.
Have fun!